West Virginia statute allows for several tolerances for axle weights and/or GVW. West Virginia State statute allows for several axle and GVW exemptions for various types of vehicles and commodities. Virginia State statute allows for several axle and GVW exemptions for various types of vehicles and commodities.
In January 2010, at least 38 Boston Adopts 35% Residential Exemption For Fy17 es and the federal government required disclosure for all or some independent expenditures or electioneering communications, for all sponsors. According to Kathy Kiely, managing editor of the Sunlight Foundation, “untraceable dark money is a preferred tactic of conservatives, while Democrats tend to use traceable super PACs.” In the 2020 election cycle, there was more than $1 billion in undisclosed spending; of that money, $514 million was spent to help Democrats and $200 million was spent to help Republicans.
Compilation of Existing State Truck Size and Weight Limit Laws
On Interstate and non-Interstate highways when GVW is 73,280 lbs. Or less (for three-axle single-unit vehicles and all other vehicles with axles 10 ft. or more apart) Tandem Axle 34,000 lbs. On Interstate highways when GVW is greater than 73,280 lbs. Permitted under 700 CMR 7.07 requires a minimum axle spacing of 92 feet, measured between the center of the foremost axle of the tractor and the center of the rearmost axle of the rearmost semitrailer.
Connecticut allows exemptions for certain commodities, including milk and refuse. Forty-ninth, Land classified under chapter sixty-one A, except from taxes provided for in said chapter. Forty-eighth, Land classified under chapter sixty-one B, except from taxes provided for in said chapter. Forty-seventh, Real property subject to taxation under section ten of chapter one hundred and twenty-one A. Twenty-sixth, Land classified under chapter sixty-one, except from the taxes provided for in said chapter. Twenty-first, Mules, horses and neat cattle less than one year old; swine, sheep and goats less than six months old; domestic fowl not exceeding fifteen dollars in value; mules, horses, neat cattle, swine, sheep, goats and domestic fowl subject to an excise imposed by section eight A; neat cattle which are less than three years old and held for the personal use and consumption of the owner. Eighteenth, Any portion of the estates of persons who by reason of age, infirmity and poverty, or financial hardship resulting from a change to active military status, not including initial enlistment are in the judgment of the assessors unable to contribute fully toward the public charges.
Religious Exemptions
In 2015, Republicans in Congress successfully pushed for a rider in a 2015 omnibus spending bill that bars the IRS from clarifying the social-welfare tax exemption to combat dark money “from advocacy groups that claim to be social welfare organizations rather than political committees.” Other provisions in the 2015 bill bar the SEC from requiring corporations to disclose campaign spending to shareholders, and a ban application of the gift tax to nonprofit donors. The Obama administration opposed these provisions, but President Obama eventually acceded to them in December 2015, with the White House declining to comment. The nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center said in a statement that the dark-money provision ensures “that the door to secret foreign dollars in U.S. elections remains wide open through secret contributions to these ostensibly ‘nonpolitical’ groups that run campaign ads without any disclosure of their donors.” The gross weight imposed on the highway by the wheels of any one axle of a vehicle must not exceed 20,000 lbs. Weight exemptions above Federal limits for certain routes are not specifically mentioned in Virginia State statute. Various types of vehicles are exempt from State weight limits in Vermont.
Oregon has a grandfather provision under Federal law to allow vehicles to operate up to 105,500 lbs. Oklahoma State statute allows for several tolerances for axle weights and/or GVW for various commodities and vehicles. Oklahoma has a grandfather provision under Federal law to allow vehicles to operate up to 90,000 lbs. North Dakota has a grandfather provision under Federal law to allow vehicles to operate up to 105,500 lbs. New York has a grandfather provision under Federal law to allow vehicles to operate up to 143,000 lbs. GVW on parts of the Interstate System.
Go Directly to a General Law
Nineteenth, Merchandise, machinery and animals owned by inhabitants of this commonwealth but situated in another state. The classification by the commissioner or the appellate tax board of a corporation as a business corporation, manufacturing corporation or research and development corporation, as respectively defined as aforesaid, shall be followed in the assessment under this chapter of machinery used in the conduct of the business. Exemption under this clause shall not extend to a corporation subject to section 15.01 of subdivision A of Part 15 of chapter 156D, if the corporation has failed to deliver the certificate required by section 15.03 of said subdivision A of said Part 15 of said chapter 156D. Tenth, Personal property owned by or held in trust within the commonwealth for religious organizations, whether or not incorporated, if the principal or income is used or appropriated for religious, benevolent or charitable purposes.
- Chamber of Commerce, $2 million to the American Future Fund, and $390,000 to the Kentucky Opportunity Coalition.
- In determining the total period ownership of an applicant for exemption under this clause, the time during which the same property was owned by a husband or wife individually shall be added to the period during which such property was owned by said husband and wife jointly.
- Nothing in this clause shall be construed to affect the tax status of any manufactured home or mobile home under this chapter, but shall apply to the land on which such manufactured home or mobile home is located if all other requirements of this clause are met.
- Permits must describe the vehicle, load, and routes.
South Carolina State statute allows for several axle and GVW exemptions for various types of vehicles and commodities. Pennsylvania State statute allows for several axle and GVW exemptions for various types of vehicles and commodities. Oregon State statute allows for several axle and GVW exemptions for various types of vehicles and commodities. Oklahoma State statute allows for several axle and GVW exemptions for various types of vehicles and commodities. Ohio State statute allows for several axle and GVW exemptions for various types of vehicles. Permits issued hereunder may be of a joint or reciprocal type for operations or movements on such highway systems and shall not be limited to loads proposed as one piece or item or otherwise cannot be separated into units of less weight.
GVW and a 10 percent tolerance above axle weight limits for vehicles with additional registration. Farm vehicles transporting agricultural products on non-Interstate highways within 100 miles of the harvested field may exceed State weight limits by up to 20 percent on each axle and have a tire load of up to 670 lbs. In addition, combinations of vehicles with not more than five axles that are transporting agricultural commodities may have two consecutive tandem axles82 with a maximum weight of 17,000 lbs. On each axle, provided the first and last axles of the two axle groups are spaced no less than 36 feet apart and the GVW does not exceed 80,000 lbs.
A New York Times analysis of undisclosed spending in the 2020 election found that 15 of the most politically active Democratic-aligned organizations spent more than $1.5 billion in 2020, while 15 comparable groups aligned with the Republican Party spent $900 million. According to the New York Times, “The findings reveal the growth and ascendancy of a shadow political infrastructure that is reshaping American politics, as megadonors to these nonprofits take advantage of loose disclosure laws to make multimillion-dollar outlays in total secrecy.” The authors noted the tension between the Democratic Party’s desire to win elections and their stated “commitment to curtail secretive political spending by the superrich.”